Building a New House

Building a New House

Residential Security: Understanding the Impact of Installing Security Doors

17 October 2017
, Blog

Proper security measures are essential for your home, even if you are residing in a neighbourhood with no crime. In general, homeowners assume that a sturdy door and good locks will protect their assets and family from burglars and robbers. However, this is not always the case because a single lock will not be a challenge for seasoned criminals. If you would like to boost your home security, you should think about installing a security screen door.
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Garbage Bin Overflowing? Impact on Your Health and The Environment, And How to Prevent It

17 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Garbage removal services are more important now more than ever in keeping cities and homes clean and healthy. This is because the world has become one big society that creates a lot of waste. With increasing amount of waste produced through food and general household litter, overflowing bins in both households and public areas have become a major issue. Not only is overflowing garbage a source of pollution but it also negatively affects your health and the environment.
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4 Benefits of Copper Roofing

16 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When replacing the metal roof on your home, you may not have considered the benefits of installing a replacement made of copper. Copper has been used as a roofing material for many centuries. Today, copper roofing is becoming a very popular option for Australian households. Below is a guide to 4 benefits of asking a roofing contractor to install a copper roof on your home. Improved energy efficiency With energy bills rising and the extent of mankind's contribution to global warming becoming clearer, many Australian families wish to do what they can to reduce the amount of energy they use and their impact on the environment.
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Tips to Help You Embark on Sustainable Home Renovations

16 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Redesigning your home through renovations is a great way of adding value to the residence. However, these upgrades could be of more benefit to you if they help to make your home more sustainable, as this will translate into less energy consumption and subsequently decreased utility bills. Nonetheless, some homeowners may not know how best to incorporate elements in their renovation that would help elevate the premises as they tend to be solely focused on visual appeal.
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Want to Remodel Your Bathroom?

16 October 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Have you ever envisioned what you would want your bathroom to look and be like? There are probably so many ideas that have come to mind. Things can get even more interesting when you are able to put what you visualise to reality with a bathroom makeover. A bathroom remodel can present you with an opportunity to correct problems you experience with your old bathroom and even add new designs that will make its usage more comfortable.
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About Me
Building a New House

If you have decided to build a new house, you may be trying to figure out where to begin. Drawing up the plans, buying materials and laying foundations can all be time-consuming and sometimes confusing work. I was quite bullish when I decided to build my own home and I tried to do a lot of this work single-handedly. However, I soon realised that this would be impossible. In the end, I called in a team of construction contractors who helped to complete the property. I watched them at work and I learnt lots of useful stuff which I will write about here.
