Keeping your plumbing fixtures free of lime scale

Keeping your plumbing fixtures free of lime scale

Keeping your plumbing fixtures free of lime scale

30 March 2018
, Blog

Limescale is the build up of hard crystals that are formed when minerals accumulate around your plumbing fixtures. Tap water tends to contain mineral deposits such as calcium and magnesium, which originate from pipes and other water systems leading into your home. When water drips around your faucets, it tends to accumulate over time and leave behind these hard and crusty minerals.

Limescale build up can make your sinks, bathtubs, and showers appear greenish, stained and old. The deposits are also quite difficult to remove, especially when they build up over a long period of time. If you live in an area with hard water (water that contains higher concentrations of mineral deposits), your plumbing fixtures are at higher risk of limescale build up. So how can you remove these stubborn deposits and prevent them from damaging your beautiful surfaces? 

The soaking method

If you have limescale around your taps and on the surface of your sinks and bathtub, an effective approach is to soak the limescale before you scrub it off. Prepare a solution of vinegar and lemon juice in a small spraying bottle. Make sure the area is completely dry before you spray the solution onto the affected surfaces.

Let the solution soak for at least half an hour, after which you can scrub the surface using a soft brush. Avoid rigorous scrubbing as you may end up damaging the finishing of the faucet or sink. Repeat the vinegar treatment until all the limescale easily comes off after scrubbing.

The wrapping method

Limescale also tends to accumulate in difficult-to-reach areas such as behind the taps or inside hidden curves and bends. Because these areas are not easy to scrub, the wrapping method is more effective.

Take a piece of cotton wool and soak it in the vinegar solution you had prepared earlier. Wrap your faucets with this cotton wool and let it sit for about half an hour. The solution will dislodge limescale from these tight corners and make it easier to come off when you scrub.

The dip spout method

In most cases, you will also have limescale build-up on the inner surface of your taps. These deposits can make your faucets appear stained and dirty whenever they're in use. You can eliminate limescale from such inner surfaces by dipping the faucet in a cup of vinegar/lime juice solution. Make sure the entire spout of the faucet is dipped in the solution for at least 30 minutes. Use a dry cloth to wipe after soaking.

Taking preventative approaches

After removing limescale, it is important to ensure that you keep all your sink surfaces dry. Remember that water deposits are the leading cause of limescale build-up, and you can avoid this problem by wiping your plumbing fixtures after every use.

For more information, contact a plumber or emergency plumber.

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Building a New House

If you have decided to build a new house, you may be trying to figure out where to begin. Drawing up the plans, buying materials and laying foundations can all be time-consuming and sometimes confusing work. I was quite bullish when I decided to build my own home and I tried to do a lot of this work single-handedly. However, I soon realised that this would be impossible. In the end, I called in a team of construction contractors who helped to complete the property. I watched them at work and I learnt lots of useful stuff which I will write about here.
